Tuesday, November 17, 2009

excitement at esl

I had such a fun night at esl tonight. Unfortunately, there was one scary(at the time, but funny now) moment. We were sitting discussing our vocabulary words - always a long task with any Spanish-speakers in the class - and Yeoung Jeoung (sp?) casually mentions, "Oh, there's a rat." It was so casual, that I didn't believe him. But as he continued to look past me into the kitchen (to which our classroom is linked with a doorway, with no door), I jumped up squealing, tore open the door, and ran out into the main room where David's class was being held. They all looked at me (mildly, I thought), as I jumped up on a table, still squealing about the mouse. I was the ONLY one who was the least bit scared. Yeoung Jeoung and Christopher were truly surprised that I insisted we move to the next classroom which had a door. I had a good opportunity to explain the word, "phobia." I'm still surprised about the lack of mass-panic. But Christopher explained that one of the most common dishes in Columbia is guinea pig. yummy.

Monday, November 16, 2009

conversation with laurie and eva

Laurie and Eva are sitting at the table, playing play-doh, and discussing computer games and websites.
Laurie - "Eva, have you ever been on Starfall?"
Eva - "What IS Starfall?"
Laurie - "I guess that's a no."

I think Laurie's been spending too much time with Ashlin.


Eva, after spotting my cool salt&pepper shakers on the back of my stove - "Hey, my mom has the same salt&peppers."
Me - "Yeah, Aunt Janelley brought them to us when she came back from Zambia."
Eva - "Zambia!? Where's Zambia?"
Laurie, incredulous - "You don't know??! It's in India!"
Me - "Africa."
Laurie - "Oh, yeah. Africa, Africa."
Eva - "Why does Aunt Janelley always go to Africa?"

Thursday, November 12, 2009

being a mom....losing my mind

Ok, I'm feeling like a total failure as a mom today. Ashlin (10) has transformed into the haughty-est of preteens. Usually, she is funny and quirky with only hints of "I'm-better-than-the-universe"ish-ness. But this morning....ahhhh, this morning. I've had 10 years to prepare for this, so how is it possible that I have NO idea how to react? My best reaction?...the BEST thing I could come up with?....the I-can-be-angrier-than-you attack. Fail. I recomposed myself and tried a better strategy. A hug with "I don't understand, but I love you." Seemed to work, but then...NO! I got the "I don't know why I don't just run away!" And I still have no idea what prompted these outbursts. They were all over little nothings - Laurie looked at her the wrong way. Ok, patience is totally not my strong point. And I'll admit I tend to use anger as a reset button when things are escalating with the kids. But how can you even reason with someone who is completely set on being contrary and irritable and, in short, holding the entire family hostage?? (No, I'm not refering to Colin, hee hee, although Ashlin IS a mini-Colin) Hey, maybe that's a key....How do I "manage" Colin? can I use the same tactics? No, seriously, I think this is not a time for tactics, but for me to learn and develop patience and incredibly humble honesty. You can parent young children while letting your own flaws slide, but when they get old enough to see through all that, you really just need to be honest with them and yourself. I am not perfect. I am not the commander-supreme anymore. It's a sad day. :) I can expect to be called on every inconsistancy in my life for the next (how long till Laurie's 20?) 14 years?? Ahhhhhh. Somebody help.